Aug 4, 2015

First Fight

Well that went about as expected.

I finally had my first Warhammer fight in years and I got wiped off the table.

Things that I learned - the Krell/Kemmler duo is okay, but they aren't amazing. If you can run them against a swarm army, or even a normal infantry unit, then they might be able to do some damage, but they're not all around that great. There's a lot of empty points with them, and even with the forgotten rules that I occasionally forgot about, they're not as strong as I was giving them credit for.

Black coach is not as squishy as I originally thought. It's got a mean punch to it. Point it towards the right units, and it should be able to pack a serious punch.

Wolves aren't as bad as I thought, but they get wiped really fast.

Skeletons are okay, but need a ton of them. It'd be better to tar pit with something other than skellies and then hit them with something stronger than them as well. They might have their points, but it sure isn't how I was using them.

Strategy is something that I really do not know or have a firm grasp on. I've got to actually walk into the fight with more of an idea of what I'm going to do, instead of just plopping things down and hoping for the best.

Finally - Mannfred (the guy I've been working on) is the best paint job there by a very, VERY long shot. Seriously, I was trying to be nice when I saw some of the other jobs, but wow. At least I know that I managed to do that one right. Now to just get the rest of the army up to snuff.

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