Mar 17, 2015

Don't know, don't care - My American Life

Who's Canadian? Don't know, don't care.

I've never understood what the big deal is when a person is from a different country, especially if that country is an English speaking country, and especially when that English speaking country has almost no accent compared to the American accent.

So what? They're from Canada. Does that really change anything? As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter. This is a typical statement across the board no matter where people are from. There are a few cultural differences, and expecations that people have on one another or on the government depending on where they grew up, but past those differences, it doesn't really change people that much.

A hundred years ago, the difference between countries was huge. In 1915, the difference from one country to another was huge, the communication at a worldwide scale was impossibly hard, and people stayed with their own. Now days, I can get street cameras in Hong Kong on my computer whenever I want.

I can post anything online and anyone with an internet connection in the world can see it. I have the ability, from my home in my PJ's to call up anyone with Skype, for the cost of internet, with no fees for international calls, and on top of that, it's not even a normal phone call, it's a video call.

With that much communication, and that large of a global market, if anyone wanders outside of their country, it's no big deal. It's an international community now days, and the US is a major player in that community, so there's no big deal (to me at least) if my news anchor is from a different country or not, because I just want my news, I don't care where or who gives it to me. The same goes for my actors, musicians, artists, neighbors, or anything else. I don't care where they've been, or where they're from, I just want to know if they are going to fill a role in my life that they are expected to fill.

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