Feb 7, 2014


This was posted on IMGUR with the title- "It took me 33 months, but I finally managed to achieve something I thought was impossible."

Seriously buddy?

33 months!?

Give me that pen and a spiral notebook worth of empty pages and I could empty that thing for you in a month. What in the world were you NOT doing for 33 months? I'm not impressed that he emptied it, I'm more worried that it took 33 whole months to do it.

As a person who takes pens, and empties them without thinking. In fact, when I was exclusively writing in pen I would buy a bulk box of pens when I would go shopping because I knew that I would use them up like candy, I really have to wonder what in the world was he writing?

Seriously, these pens with the grippy thing near the tip are still one of my favorite and most comfortable pens that I've ever written with, and I've used up a whole bunch of them. If you ever want to get me an expensive pen, don't. I'll use up the ink, and then get angry that I have an empty pen and don't know how to get more ink. Just get me a 20 pack of these and I'll be happy. . . . for a year.

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