Nov 25, 2013

The List

I'm a big fat gamer nerd, and as such I have a bookshelf worth of games that I either want to beat, or people have told me that I have to beat to be a member of society. The problem with this is that if a game is good enough (I don't want to murder myself just getting to the end of the story) I will want to platinum the game.
The developers set a few goals for players to reach, typically ones that involve the extras that are in the game, or difficult things to do, and if you get all of the trophies within a game, you get the platinum of the game. Typically speaking getting a platinum trophy within a game translates to, 'there is nothing more for you to do with this game, you won at everything, you did everything, you found everything.' The funny part about dealing with these trophies is that even on the games that I let fall by the side I've typically done somewhere around 60-70% of the trophies. There are only a few games that I outright gave up all hope on because I just couldn't stand (GTA I'm looking at you!)

I'm not obsessed with getting 'easy' platinums just so I can brag about it to other people, I'm obsessed with feeling like I've done everything within a game, especially expansive time sinks where you're never quite sure if you've done it all. For example; Skyrim (my current game of time sink) is a huge, endless game. You can never finish it in any reasonable sense because there will always be something more to do. The trophy list gives me a point where I can put the disk away and say, 'yeah, I did everything that was worth mentioning' so I can start the next game. That event, the platinum trophy, and the ability to put the game back on the bookshelf next to Borderlands, Borderlands 2, FFXIII-2, Tales of Graces, Dynasty Warriors 7, Silent Hill 3, and Infamous 2 (my platniumed games) is happening this week. I'm 6 items, one wedding, and a few dead guards away from getting the platinum, which means I have to consult the list.

The list is the games that I haven't beat to platinum level (that I'd like to get there) and games that I haven't even played that I need to give at least one playthrough.

First there is the list of games that I've played but sped through, and they deserve a second look, or at least a few more hours of play time to give them a second shot.
- Fallout 3 (I need to do the bad/neutral karma routes)
- Modnation Racers (Need to at least finish the career mode, only went about half way through that)
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (I really should give fighting games a chance. This is my only fighting game, I played it solo for about a day or two and then got frustrated with it and shelved it. I haven't seen it since. I need to give fight games a chance more than 6 hours of trying to figure out how in the world to do something as simple as block)
- Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection (I've hardly touched this package of games. They're classics and deserve some love, I just don't know if I want to go back to 8 bit graphics)

Then there is the list of games that I haven't played, but are sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be played.
-Dragon Age Origins
-Dragon Age 2
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Batman Arkham City
-Bioshock 2
-Resistance 2
-Resistance 3
-Ratchet and Clank HD
-Ni no Kuni
-Tales of Xillia

I THINK that is all of them, I could be missing one that I forgot about, but with those lists I need to figure out which game is next for me to play. I don't know what I'm going to go with, so any suggestions would be loved (hahahahaha that means that someone out there would actually be reading this)

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