Sep 24, 2015

S3rl vs Fall Out Boy

On my phone is a Samsung off shoot of Pandora radio. Just like Pandora you can create your own station. I started mine with s3rl, and for some unknown reason it keeps playing Fall Out Boy songs, assuming that for some reason that they are related to each other. Other seeds for the station include ATB, Headhunterz, and Daft Punk. I don't know who put Fall Out Boy into that group, but wow were they wrong. 

To clarify for anyone not sure at the confusion - 



and then the weirdly linked group that sounds nothing like them, Fall Out Boy-  
Can someone please explain how those are related?

Sep 23, 2015

I Have Never Been Admitted - My American Life

I have never been admitted to a hospital. I'm broken bones free, never had to be in an ER, and have never been diagnosed with much more than your average cold, flu, or allergy. I have never had to receive an IV, and I've never even given blood.

I am happy that for this episode I don't have anything to add to the story. I don't have anything to say about that world, and I really hope that I never get that first hand experience. 

The one thing that always amazes me is just how much people fight to stay alive. I get it, I get why they do it, but the dedication and motivation that some individuals have to fight against deadly diagnosis in their lives is amazing. They get told that they either do X, Y, Z, which just happen to be painful, torturous, and down right horrible for anyone who isn't sick, and instead of looking at the entire procedure and going, 'you know what? that is crazy' they agree to being cut, blended, tortured, or anything else just to have the chance of staying alive a bit longer than expected. 

If you look at some of the treatments that we have for some of the deadliest diseases, if they were used in a person that was healthy it would be considered torture. Having poison pumped into a person to a deadly amount bringing them to the brink of dying and then having them teeter on that edge between life and death for an extended period of time just to rebound, and then do it all again in a few days or weeks, is normal for medicine. I've never gone through it, but I don't think that I have it in me to do something like that. I don't think that I have the strength or determination to be told that I'm going to go through Hell just to live in a slightly less version of hell. I don't know if I would willingly agree to it.

When growing up, a person that was in the neighborhood was going through leukemia. . . and she was maybe eight years old. The massive amounts of chemo, drugs, and pain that she had to go through is something that I would never willingly go through. The pain that she was in, even on a good day, I don't know if I'd be able to take it with a smile. I'm afraid that one of these days I'm going to go to the doctor's, they're going to go full fledged medical mystery drama on me and I'm going to actually have a crazy disease with a life span expectancy that is measured in months, not years, and I don't think I'd be willing to fight it.

The Lazy People

While grading papers and riding trains, I made it through The Tomorrow People and wow, is it some LAZY writing.

Let's start this off the entire thing saying that the main character is supposed to be in high school. He looks like he's in his mid twenties, goes drinking quite often, has sex with multiple women one of which is significantly older than him, and then seems to never go to school, ever.

Then there seems to be the fact that no one can understand basic motivations of their leaders. Spoiler - but his 'dead' dad who was cryogenically frozen for the past decade shows back up, and the first thing that he does after coming back to life is he wants to spend a night with his family. For some reason there are people that are part of the group he's supposed to be leading that freak out and can't understand why anyone would ever do that. I'm not buying it. You're gone from your family for a decade, you finally get to see them, and instead of spending time with strangers, you want to be with your family? How dare you! The same thing happens throughout the entire season, people choose to do very logical things, but the telepaths that fill the show, instead of being able to read their minds and see the honest intentions of those people, freak out and try to make some serious mountains out of very small mole hills.

This isn't the only time that things get really, REALLY backwards within the entire series. It's one lazy writing bit after the next. First we learn that Tim (the AI computer) can block cell phone signals, but later in the season there's a bid deal about having to block out a cell phone signal from people who are right next to Tim. First we learn that if powers are shown in public that anyone who sees it gets killed - the main character shows off his powers during a basketball game at high school, no murders. What's even better is that a supporting character later comes into another basketball game and uses his powers even more - still no murdering.

The fun one is that things sometimes are forgotten. Major plot devices and twists seem to be overlooked. For example the mother for the first half of the season is a normal mom, then she miraculously turns out to be one of the supers . . . and then we never see much of anything super about her until the second to last episode of the season where she pulls a Mrs. Weasly and knocks some heads in to protect her son. My other favorite limbo of things that fade in and out of the story are the 'd-cells' that block out and negate powers. Sometimes they mute everything, sometimes they only subdue powers, they either work perfectly, or they work only when people aren't have severe panic attacks because if you're having a panic attack you can cut straight through them.

My personal favorite plot hole of doom is the fact that supers can't kill. . . but one of the main character's entire back story is about killing a boy who tried to rape her. They can't kill, but they can strap a bomb to their chest and go full fledged suicide bombing, because officially they're not the one calling the cell phone to trigger the explosion. They can't kill humans, but if they stop time THEN they can kill because chronologically frozen people are no longer humans. My personal favorite is that choking a person out triggers the anti-kill 6th sense, but they can torture, cut, bruise, and mangle a person to the brink of death without a touch of a headache, all within the same episode. It seems to wiggle and waggle around as much as they want, and is only there because the writers decided that you might as well throw some sort of mention into it. 

It's an interesting idea, I like the concept, but how they handle the entire series is a mess of horrible writing. Instead of creating one giant cohesive story, they create a series of single episodes that feel like an author sat down and said, 'hey guys, you want to know what would be cool?'

Sep 21, 2015

Remember These Guys?

The unit of zombies meshed together with the Bretonian men at arms that I origionally came up with the idea of kit bashing together seven years ago? It's FINALLY FINISHED!

Remember these guys?

I thought I was done with them, but then a few weeks ago I was unpacking from the move and ran into a sandwich baggy of the other half of the unit. The first chunk of them were the reason that I got back into the game/hobby, and just when I thought that they were all done, more of them popped up in my hands, and I got them all back together. It's a little funny when looking at the unit because even with only a few months separating the group of them there's a visible difference in the skill that I have. Thanks to Mannfred (as well as the first chunk of zombies) I am slowly getting to be a better painter, it's just weird when I can actually see it.

The only bad news now is that with both schools going at full tilt, I'm not thinking that I'm going to be painting and doing as much with Warhammer. The good news is that I'm behind in TAL for about 7 episodes worth of listening (yay for the train rides, because that's where I'm getting a ton of listening done), so those should be popping up soon.The tricky part now is that if when I get back to painting WH, I have to figure out which unit I'm going to dive into next because as you've seen before, there's quite a list. But as for now, I'm going to sleep. I've got some early classes, and I need to figure out what in the world I'm going to teach them.

Sep 16, 2015

The Whole Group

 This is all of them.  Here it is in all of it's glory. I don't have the time to put in all of the details right now, but here's what I have. I'll go through and explain these pictures a bit more below, but this is what I've got for Vampire Counts, and it looks awesome if I do say so myself. It's about 6,000+ points worth of awesome, and the sad part is that it could still grow some more.
Left flank. Working left to right, a corpse cart, 20 dire wolves, 24 skeletons painted, 34 skeletons unpainted, then the back row of 8 kit bashed black knights, Mannfred looking awesome as always, with Krell and Heinrich , 14 grave guard.
Right flank starts with a MASSIVE mob of 50 ghouls. (It's so amazing it's hard not to want to field it whenever I can, but it's a ton of points and I have another mob of units right next to them.) Then there's 100 zombies with 50 of them painted, and the other 50 either totally unpainted, or partially painted (they're the ones that I'm working on right now, but either way, it's a mob of 100 undead. The best part is that in theory I could easily filed them like this because they're super cheap. At 3 points a model, that giant block of shambling would only cost 300 points, that's not even half of what Mannfred costs to put out on the field. ). Behind the mobs I have 8 hexwraiths, a mob of vampires, necromancers, and a wraith. In the var back row I have 10 old painted grave guard, Zach (vampire on zombie dragon), two necromancers (one I painted, the other I didn't), a banshee, and the black coach.
There you go, that's what I have.
Some chunks of it look really nice, none of it is based, but there is a lot of work to be done throughout the entire army.

Sep 15, 2015

Investment In a Secondary

Tonight was another bust at the game store. No one showed up, and the staff looked a little shocked when I told them that I was there ready to play because apparently no one still plays.

There is one possible solution - get a second army.

Right now, I have one army. It's a big one, but I have it. There's always the option of making it bigger, getting more options, and showing all sorts of stupid things going around with it. However, there's also the option of getting a small(er) secondary army, so that other people I know could have something to play if/when the opportunity comes up. The question then comes what I should have as the secondary army.

Beastmen - not a chance. I don't like them, I don't want to paint them, I'm just not a fan.

Bretonian - too many random dudes on horses. Sure there's other options, but dudes on horses with more dudes on horses with a side of girls on horses isn't exactly my flavor of diversity in an army.

Deamons - look awesome, thee different options to play with, but a hair too 'weird' even for a person who plays vampires. There's not that many times that you can show off a deamon army to a person who doesn't play and they don't go O_o because they just look weird if you don't know the fluff and know what to expect. Also, not the most diverse group with tactics, sort of limited.

Dark Elves - not a huge fan of their look (because everything is black) but a good mix of army. They've got ranged, they've got meele, they've got calvary, they've got war machines, and they've got some nasty monsters. They're an option, but that selling factor to other people is a little weird at times because simply some models rely a little too heavy on dark elf boobs.

Dwarfs - slow, fat, stubborn. Magic is non existent, but they've got cannons, and cannons, and cannons. I'm not a huge fan of how they look, but really there's not that many options for an army, and it's just different ratios of the same four or five things, which isn't always a bad thing.

Empire - The "Mario" race. This and high elves are where I'm leaning right now. I like Empire just because the diversity of Empire is MASSIVE. You can build it so many different ways, and it's just average on just about everything, that it's good point but also it's bad point. The models are a bit 'meh' but at least they're better than dwarfs where I don't like any of them.

High Elf - This is the other runner up for the secondary army. They're super tactically heavy, they have a decent everything, and their only problem is that they're a hair glass cannony, which is what I love in games. A good glass cannon is always fun. They have monsters, they have infantry, they have machines, they have good diversity, and they can be strong, they just happen to go bad fast when things go bad for them.

Lizardmen - dinosaurs. For being a bunch of lizards, I'm not a huge fan of them. I don't know what it is, but I've never been a fan of the Mayan lizards.

Ogres - big, fat, and scary. There's potential, but again, seems a little flat in strategy. You get big, you get fat, and you run at things. The models are also big, fat, and ugly, just like the army. It's not one of those things that you look at and are impressed with, you look at it and see a mob of fat guys.

Orcs and Goblins - These are the troll options. They don't work out the way they want you to, they aren't exactly stable, but they do okay. They're okay, but I've never really loved them.

Skaven - I do not want another horde army. As fun as it is to have (literally) over a hundred zombies, I don't need to make another swarm. No thank you.

Tomb Kings - I've already got vampires, why would I want to deal with even more skeletons?

Warriors of Chaos - the point sink that they could do would be amazing. They're on par with Ogres with being big and fat, but only on the fluff side of things. Fielding only a dozen models, each tricked out with a stupid stat line and a ridiculous amount of stats is very possible with them, and the good news is that they don't look stupid. They fall into the category of a bit one sided as they have no ranged or siege machines, but I can't talk because I'm a VC player that doesn't have those things either. The good news is that the weird things from deamons could be used in WoC.

Wood Elves - I like some of their looks, and having trees are always an interesting thing, but at the same time, they don't feel like a solid force when I see them on the table. They seem sort of flat and one strategy sort of approach so I'm not a huge fan of putting them as the secondary.

That covers all of them. It will most likely come down to High Elves or Empire, once I get a solid paycheck and am not afraid of going super broke, I'm going to have to keep an eye out on Ebay, and then it'll most likely come down to whichever one shows up with the better deal. 

Sep 14, 2015

Hit the Road - My American Life

There are times that I think about doing a road trip, and there are some weird corners of it that seem amazing. Going to a place that I've never been before, getting lost, seeing things for the first time, all amazing things that I would love to do.

Last year we went to Boston so that I could walk for my graduation, and I loved it.

I love seeing a new city, I loved going out and seeing new places, and I loved the idea that no one in hundreds of miles knew who I was. I love that idea. I love that idea of a new start, of a new ability to do whatever I want and having no ties to whatever else is going on. I love that idea.

The thing I don't like, the thing that this episode is all about, is the travel between those points. I want a new start, I want to be able to be in a new place, experience new things, see new people, get a new start, I just don't want to have to drive there.

The problem with this is that up to this point in my life, I can easily say that I have stayed in the same corner of the United states my entire life. For every little bit of my life, for everything that makes me, me, I've been stuck to a few places. Even though I've been stuck in this little corner of the world, stuck to the same cities and same areas over and over again, I really want to see other places. I like having a house, and I like having jobs that are actually in my field that I care about, but at the same time, I would really like to set foot in a city that is new to me and my family. I really would love to be in a place that my sisters haven't lived in, my parents haven't lived in, or even a city that they have visited. I know that it's shallow to even think that way, but I really just want a city, an area, a corner of this world to myself. That's what makes me want to go on a road trip. Not the driving, not the endless road, I just want a place of my own that is fresh, and doesn't carry with it the history of me, my family, or anything else. It can be a huge city of millions of people, I just want a place that isn't tainted in my own family history.

Updated List for Tomorrow

First the new list for easy access when I need it tomorrow - 


Necromancer   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Necromancer433332317- - In150
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Level 2 Wizard; Dispel Scroll; Book of Arkhan.
Special: Undead. 
Necromancer   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Necromancer433332317- - In150
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Level 2 Wizard; Channeling Staff; The Cursed Book.
Special: Undead.


Crypt Ghouls x 35   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Crypt Ghoul430341325- - In360
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Crypt Ghast.
Special: Poisoned Attacks; Undead.
Crypt Ghast430341335- - --

Zombies x 30   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Zombie410331112- - In100
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Musician; Standard Bearer.
Special: Always Strikes Last; The Newly Dead; Undead.
Zombies x 30   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Zombie410331112- - In100
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Musician; Standard Bearer.
Special: Always Strikes Last; The Newly Dead; Undead.
Dire Wolves x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Dire Wolf930331313- - WB40
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Special: Slavering Charge; Undead; Vanguard; Swiftstride.
Dire Wolves x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Dire Wolf930331313- - WB40
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Special: Slavering Charge; Undead; Vanguard; Swiftstride.


Corpse Cart   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Corpse Cart---444---5+ - Ch120
Upgrades: Unholy Lodestone.
Special: Regeneration(4+); Undead; Vigour Mortis; Swiftstride.
Corpsemaster-303--215- - --

The Restless Dead41-3--12D6-- - --
Special: Random Attacks (2D6). 
Hexwraiths x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Hexwraith6303312156+ - Ca150
Wargear: Great Weapon.
Special: Ethereal; Fast Cavalry; Soul Reapers; Soulstriders; Spectral Hunters; Terror; Undead; Swiftstride.
Skeletal Steed820331213- - --
Special: Spectral Steeds; Undead.
Hexwraiths x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Hexwraith6303312156+ - Ca150
Wargear: Great Weapon.
Special: Ethereal; Fast Cavalry; Soul Reapers; Soulstriders; Spectral Hunters; Terror; Undead; Swiftstride.
Skeletal Steed820331213- - --
Special: Spectral Steeds; Undead.


Black Coach   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Black Coach---564---3+ 4+ Ch195
Special: Evocation of Death; Terror; Undead; Vampiric; Swiftstride.
Cairn Wraith-303--235- - --
Wargear: Great Weapon.
Special: Chill Grasp.
Nightmare830441213- - --
Special: Undead.

Magic Items

Book of ArkhanBound Spell (Power Level 3). This item casts Vanhel's Danse Macabre spell.
Channeling StaffThe Wizard adds +1 to all of his channeling attempts.
Dispel ScrollOne use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a wizard who has a dispel scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This automatically dispels the enemy spell; no dice roll is required. Note that even a dispel scroll will not help if the spell has been cast with irresistible force. Note also that a dispel scroll cannot be used to dispel spells that remain in play other than at the moment they are cast.
The Cursed BookAt the beginning of the bearer's Magic phase, the bearer may choose to sacrifice D3 power dice from the pool. If he does so, roll a D6 on the following chart. Assuming there is a viable target for the indicated spell, that spell is automatically cast at its minimum casting value, require no power dice. A dispel attempt can be made as normal. If you don't have the requisite number of dice to sacrifice, then you lose what dice you have and the book has no effect this turn. 1: Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma (Lore of Shadow), 2: The Enfeebling Foe (Lore of Shadow), 3: The Withering (Lore of Shadow), 4: Soulblight (Lore of Death), 5: Doom and Darkness (Lore of Death), 6: Curse of the Midnight Wind (Lore of Heavens)

I updated my list for tomorrow in hopes that someone actually shows up to play. I was doing my research and realized that my black knights are 1) not real black knights and just mashed together with Britonians in hopes to look black knighty enough, and 2) not enough to form up even two basic ranks without having two characters on mounts with them. That means that it was time for me to look at things again and play around with the points. That means that I'm dropping them off the team, picking up a whole lot more ghouls, having two zombie buses with necros in front, and giving that silly corpse cart a second go in hopes that we can do some nasty work in tarpit land. Zombies on either side of the cart to protect it, and then just pray that between the invocations, the ASF from the cart, and all of the fun and games that will happen from there that I'll have a much better pit to suck some points into. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to see how it works on the table, but you never know.

In other bonus info I'm going to see if these hexes are worth their points. They're expensive, and I think I can yo-yo them around, but it really depends on movement and praying that I can get the movement off before they get charged. As long as they can sneak up, and I can manage to possible get a Van's off on them, I'm sure they'll get there, it's just a lot of if's to that plan. 

For those that are reading this, please, if you're in Utah Valley, and want to play, hit me up because right now I feel like there's no one in the area that plays. Either way, here's the list. . . oh and I forgot, Mannfred is part of it as well because he needs some field time.

Finally - I was thinking about buying things, but then I tabled all of my grey horde and realized just how much I still have to paint and yeah, there's not a chance that I'm going to buy anything new any time soon. I forget just how huge that army I bought from CL actually is. It's BIG. I wonder what in the world the guy was thinking because some of his units are just weird, like the massive squad of 20 (that's right 20) dire wolves. I'm rambling now, but at least I have something to ramble about.

Sep 11, 2015

Shopping for Me

I'm impossible to shop for, so here's what's on my shopping list in the background of my mind right now.

The first three are solo buys. You can get them and not worry about the other.
Because I'm a big weirdo, I'm already plaing with the idea of customizing and kit bashing together things, so these are two part deals
has to be paired up with

or, you can go with this pairing

And there you have it. I'm not going to be buying any of this right now, because I need to paint and get together the rest of my army that I have right now sitting around, but when in doubt just get anything for a VC army and it'll be great. I'm also partially putting this here because even though I know I have thousands of points that I still need to paint, I still for some reason want to go and buy some more, so I'm thinking that by putting them here I won't go and buy it.

Sep 9, 2015

1700 point army

I got bored and had my phone handy, and Mannfred is my big success story right now, so I wanted to pair him up with Zacharias and see how they looked together, and then I made the very scary realization that these two guys together are 1,700 points. To make that clear of what that compares to here's a normal 1,500 point army. 

You'll see that there's significantly more than two guys there. I could NEVER field these two together in a normal game, but it's just funny to think of it being two versus a mob, and seeing which one comes out on top.  

For the record - 
Zach - 1,050
Mannfred - 650

Mannfred Von Carstein Mortarch of Night

I finally finished him, Mannfred Von Carstein Mortarch of Night.

The shop I normally go to for playing (all of one time that I've played there) hasn't exactly been panning out for me and things have been looking really bad there, like any time that I bring up Warhammer or Games Workshop, they all get thrown into a fit and instead of playing anything they just sit and complain. As fun as it is to hear my fellow nerds rage and rant, it's no fun to play that game. That means today I'm going to go around and look at a few other stores and might take a few extra pictures depending on the time at one of them so I can put him on some scenery and maybe even plop him down with the necro and zombies so they can finally be seen as one big happy family.

Either way, there he is, in all of his glory - Mannfred Von Carstein Mortarch of Night, 650 points of pure kick butt vampire power.

Sep 8, 2015

It's Just Water - My American Life

I don't care for nature. It doesn't do anything for me.

I go to the Grand Canyon, and it's just a whole lot of nothing. Or rather, it's a whole lot of holes. It's one giant hole int he ground. Wow, it's impressive just how much a river can erode stone. It's almost like it shows that it takes time for things to happen and that the world is older than just a few thousand years because there's no chance in the world that a hole that big is going to be made in just a few years. Other than that, it's just a giant hole.

I went to Yellowstone, and instead of a giant hole, it was forests with geothermal vents and pockets throughout the entire park. Wow, it's a green place where occasionally the water is really really stinky and hot. That's just what I wanted in my life, to go and see hot water that smelled like eggs.

Rivers don't do anything for me, forests are just a place to get lost in, ponds and lakes get boring after a while, and it isn't anything that is super exciting. I am simply not the type of guy that gets amazed at the 'grander of nature' (I'm thinking that I'm spelling that wrong, because I want it to be something like grandeur, but it's late and I don't want to try to find the spelling of the right word that spell check won't get angry at).

I don't know what it is, but big natural places like that don't really do anything for me. Even places that are man made that people are super astonished by I look and and nothing really happens. Wow, you built something really tall, good job for you. Or even, wow, you built something that's an interesting shape, good job for you. Nothing about tall buildings, weirdly shaped buildings or anything like that really speaks to me. It's just things, and in nature, it's just nature. There's never been something that I just have to go see, because it's just more rocks and trees doing something weird.

I don't understand why people have to go and see some of these places. Why do you have to see Niagara? Go to the swimming pool, stand under one of those mushroom waterfall things, and then try to have a conversation with someone. Take that annoying roar of water. . . and multiple it by fifty and that's what your time at Niagara is going to be like. WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I'M SORRY I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER HOW BEAUTIFUL AND SERENE NATURE IS BEING RIGHT NOW!

Yellowstone? Go out and get lost in some trees. If that isn't good enough for you, once an hour go outside and stand in your front yard by a broken sprinkler head and turn up the water presure as high as it can go, and that would still be a better trip because you'd be only a few seconds away from your bed and not have to sit through a super boring car trip just to see a spout of water jump out of the ground. It's a mighty impressive spout of water, but it sure is not worth any amount of time in a car that it actually takes to get to Yellowstone, even if you live near by.

I think this is all because Las Vegas ruined me. Las Vegas is the world of excess. You want the New York skyline? We've got that. You want Paris? We've got that. You want water that goes up in the air every hour? Ours dances to music. You even want to have one of the world's tallest bulidings that has amusment rides strapped on to the top of it just waiting to throw you to your death when one thing finally goes wrong? Yup, we've got those too.

Vegas ruins everywhere else because everywhere else is boring. What am I going to get in Yellowstone that I don't get in Vegas? Air? We've got that. The chance to possibly see a bear? Spoiler - I can see a polar bear in Las Vegas.

Whatever it is, those big national parks that everyone seems to love, I want nothing to do with. They're boring. They're boring to get to, they're boring once you're there, and they're super boring the longer you stay there. Going to visit one of them as a vacation is one thing, but staying there for more than one day is just murder because there's nothing to do. To me, spending time in a national park is one of those things that sure, you can do it once real quick to mark it off your 'you need to do this to be a member of society' list, but past that I don't get why in the world people are so obsessed with it.

Let's Try Again

I've been playing around with my list a LOT, so let's try to do this one more time, and this time we're going to do it with feeling. Here's my list, plus Mannfred the Mortarch (which by the way is almost finished with getting painted, just have to sort out his armor, weapons, and face. I know that sounds a lot, but considering that's tiny compared to everything that I've had to do up to this point, it's a good thing). Invoke all over the place, get Mannfred in there with squishies that he can get wounds off against, and then just pray that magic goes my way with no miscasts.

Hero (315)

Necromancer   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Necromancer4333323176+ - WB165
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Level 2 Wizard; Nightmare; Dispel Scroll; Book of Arkhan.
Special: Undead; Swiftstride.
Nightmare830441213 - - - -
Special: Undead.
Necromancer   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Necromancer433332317 - 6+ In150
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Level 2 Wizard; Talisman of Protection; The Cursed Book.
Special: Undead.

Core (480)

Zombies x 20   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Zombie410331112 - - In65
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Standard Bearer.
Special: Always Strikes Last; The Newly Dead; Undead.
Zombies x 20   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Zombie410331112 - - In65
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Standard Bearer.
Special: Always Strikes Last; The Newly Dead; Undead.
Dire Wolves x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Dire Wolf930331313 - - WB40
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Special: Slavering Charge; Undead; Vanguard; Swiftstride.
Crypt Ghouls x 30   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Crypt Ghoul430341325 - - In310
Wargear: Hand Weapon.
Upgrades: Crypt Ghast.
Special: Poisoned Attacks; Undead.
Crypt Ghast430341335 - - - -

Special (598)

Black Knights x 8   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Black Knight4304413162+ - Ca278
Wargear: Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield.
Upgrades: Hell Knight; Standard Bearer; Barded Skeletal Steeds; Lance; Banner of the Barrows.
Special: Killing Blow; Spectral Steeds; Undead; Swiftstride.
Skeletal Steed820331213 - - - -
Special: Spectral Steeds; Undead.
Hell Knight430441326 - - - -

Hexwraiths x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Hexwraith6303312156+ - Ca160
Wargear: Great Weapon.
Upgrades: Hellwraith.
Special: Ethereal; Fast Cavalry; Soul Reapers; Soulstriders; Spectral Hunters; Terror; Undead; Swiftstride.
Skeletal Steed820331213 - - - -
Special: Spectral Steeds; Undead.
Hellwraith630331225 - - - -

Hexwraiths x 5   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Hexwraith6303312156+ - Ca160
Wargear: Great Weapon.
Upgrades: Hellwraith.
Special: Ethereal; Fast Cavalry; Soul Reapers; Soulstriders; Spectral Hunters; Terror; Undead; Swiftstride.
Skeletal Steed820331213 - - - -
Special: Spectral Steeds; Undead.
Hellwraith630331225 - - - -

Rare (195)

Black Coach   MWSBSSTWIALdASvWSvTypePts
Black Coach---564---3+ 4+ Ch195
Special: Evocation of Death; Terror; Undead; Vampiric; Swiftstride.
Cairn Wraith-303--235 - - - -
Wargear: Great Weapon.
Special: Chill Grasp.
Nightmare830441213 - - - -
Special: Undead.

Magic Items

Banner of the BarrowsAll Grave Guard, Black Knights and Wight Knights in the same unit as the Banner of the Barrows receive +1 To Hit in close combat. This bonus also applies to Krell, Lord of Undeath should he be in the same unit. Note that the bonus is not conferred to any mounts they may have.
Book of ArkhanBound Spell (Power Level 3). This item casts Vanhel's Danse Macabre spell.
Dispel ScrollOne use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a wizard who has a dispel scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This automatically dispels the enemy spell; no dice roll is required. Note that even a dispel scroll will not help if the spell has been cast with irresistible force. Note also that a dispel scroll cannot be used to dispel spells that remain in play other than at the moment they are cast.
Talisman of ProtectionThe Talisman of Protection grants the bearer a 6+ ward save.
The Cursed BookAt the beginning of the bearer's Magic phase, the bearer may choose to sacrifice D3 power dice from the pool. If he does so, roll a D6 on the following chart. Assuming there is a viable target for the indicated spell, that spell is automatically cast at its minimum casting value, require no power dice. A dispel attempt can be made as normal. If you don't have the requisite number of dice to sacrifice, then you lose what dice you have and the book has no effect this turn. 1: Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma (Lore of Shadow), 2: The Enfeebling Foe (Lore of Shadow), 3: The Withering (Lore of Shadow), 4: Soulblight (Lore of Death), 5: Doom and Darkness (Lore of Death), 6: Curse of the Midnight Wind (Lore of Heavens)